Relevant to: students, staff, faculty.
This article will:
1) Explain the differences between the Course Catalog and the Term Guide
2) Describe when you might use them.
Differences between the Course Catalog and the Term Guide
Course Catalog: gives a listing of all available courses at SUNY Empire State University.
Term Guide: gives a listing of the specific courses that are offered in a given term
Note: Plan ahead searches the course catalog. The View Sections button will show what is available in the term guide. If the course is in the catalog, but no sections exist in the term guide, the course can still be added to the student’s plan ahead by clicking the Add Course button, but there will be no section for the student to register in. This means, the course can be a placeholder until the decision is made to take that course. If the student needs to take that course, a Just in Time Study (JITS) can be created by selecting the Create Section button.

Browsing the Course Catalog:
You’ll search the course catalog if you want to find all of the courses offered at SUNY Empire without being limited to a specific term. The catalog also displays course descriptions, learning outcomes, course attributes, and course restrictions.
Note: Even though the catalog is not term specific, you will still need to enter a term before searching it.
Here is an example of how results will be displayed in the course catalog:

Browsing the Term Guide
You’ll search the term guide if you want to find a list of the specific courses and sections that are offered in a given term. The Term Guide displays all the information in the course catalog and course registration numbers (CRNs), Mode of Study, Instructor, and number of remaining seats.
Here is an example of how results will be displayed in the Term Guide:

Related articles:
Browse the Course Catalog
Browse the Term Guide