Relevant to: Students, Staff, Faculty
Students can add/drop via MySUNYEmpire through the first week of the term. During this time, if you drop from all courses you will still be assessed both the university fee and student activity fee. Withdrawing from one or more studies does not withdraw you from the university, only from the relevant course or courses.
After the add/drop period, undergraduate students may withdraw from one or more courses through the last day of the term via MySUNYEmpire. Graduate students may withdraw from a course on or before the end of the 10th week of a 15-week term or the end of the 5th week of an 8-week term. Students are liable for a portion of their tuition and fees if they withdraw from any course(s) after the add/drop period. It is important to read over the liability information and understand the impact of a withdrawal prior to withdrawing (links to this provided below). By withdrawing, students understand they will not be able to re-add the withdrawn course(s) via MySUNYEmpire.
To add a course after the add/drop period has ended, students need permission from the faculty instructor and a completed manual registration form submitted with signed approvals to the Office of the Registrar.
To Drop a Course
Go to MySUNYEmpire.
Select the Registration and Course Offerings icon.

Select Begin or Modify Registration.

Select the upcoming term.

Go to your Summary block in the lower right hand corner. Under the header Action, select Drop for the courses you wish to drop. Click the Submit button.

To Withdraw from a Course
Go to MySUNYEmpire
Select the Registration and Course Offerings icon.
Select Begin or Modify Registration.
Go to your Summary block in the lower right hand corner. Under the header Action, select Withdraw for the courses from which you wish to withdraw. Click the Submit button.
Note: Your withdrawal and the timing of your withdrawal may have an impact on your enrollment status, your student account, your current and future financial aid, or your VA benefits if you are a military students.
For additional information, go to Impact of Withdrawing Courses.
Related Article:
Student Registration Quick Guide
Impact of Withdrawing Courses