Submit Grade Changes


This article will assist faculty with navigating how to submit grade changes once a grade has posted to a student's record. 

 Reminders & Tips 

  • Make sure you are connected to the VPN/Citrix.
  • Please avoid multiple submissions for the same student/same course. This causes confusion and delays in processing the request. 
  • Administrative Withdrawal (ZW): You will not have the option to select a ZW. It should be a rarity to have to update an outcome to a ZW. If you do need to update a grade to a ZW, you will need to email and copy the dean of the course. Include the following information in the email: student’s name, student ID, course registration number (CRN) and the last date of attendance.
  • Incomplete (IN): If updating a grade to an IN, there are additional steps.  Please see Scenario 3: Incomplete Request-Guide for Faculty

Steps to Submit a Grade Change

1.) Begin by navigating to and logging in with your university credentials.

2.) From the homepage, click on the "Self-Service Banner" icon.

3.) Select the "Faculty Services" block.

4.) Select the "Submit Grade Changes" block. 

Note: You will be able to view grades submitted over the past two academic years. Grade changes older than two full calendar years will require dean approval and manual entry by the Registrar’s Office. Contact for assistance. 

5.) Select the grade type you wish to view. Grade Type selection is required to proceed with request.


No Grade: NG on record due to missing grade

Incomplete Grade: Active incomplete on file

Grade is on File: Any grade except WD/NG/IN

Note: If a grade change for an incomplete is submitted AFTER the default grade has rolled, the student will be under “Grade is on File.” 

6.)  The student can be selected using Filter By Student or the Grade List.




7.)  Double click on the student in the grade list to populate information.Be sure to verify that the correct student and course are displayed before proceeding with the request.


Note: The current grade displayed will be the grade in the system at the time you submit the request. This may not be the same grade that shows in your gradebook if you have submitted a grade change previously. The previously submitted date is when you submitted the current grade (regular grade entry or grade change).


8.) Select the new grade/outcome from the drop-down field. Your options will correspond with the grade type listed in the course information.

Grade Type S: Standard Letter

Grade Type P: Pass/No Pass

Reminder about updating an outcome to an IN. See Scenario 3: Incomplete Request-Guide for Faculty.  

Reminder about updating an outcome to a ZW: You will not have the option to select an ZW. It should be a rarity to have to update an outcome to a ZW. If you do need to update a grade to a ZW, you will need to email and copy the dean of the course. Include the following information in the email: student’s name, student ID, course registration number (CRN) and the last date of attendance.


9.) Select the reason for the grade change from the Reason for Grade Change drop-down field.


 Should you select Other, a new drop-down list will appear. Select the reason from the list provided.



10.) Confirm that the correct division dean is displayed. The dean will correspond with the course subject area except for Educational Planning courses. Please follow the steps outlined in the Educational Planning instructions below.


Educational Planning

Because Educational Planning is not linked to a specific division, you must use your own division dean. The Division Dean field will display None. Select the Change/Select a Dean.


 Select your division dean from the list.






Arts and Humanities


Graduate Studies (All)


International Education


Human Services


Harry Van Arsdale School of Labor




Science, Mathematics and Technology


Nursing and Allied Health (UG and GR)


Social and Behavioral Sciences

11.)  Review the information entered and click Submit. You will receive a pop-up confirmation message indicating that you have successfully submitted your request.

Note: Please allow time for the approval process and refrain from submitting multiple requests for the same student/same course.  


What happens next?

The grade change request will go to the division dean for review.

  • If approved by the dean, the request will go the Registrar’s Office (RO) for the final approval. 
  • If approved by RO, an automatic email notification will be sent to the instructor and student indicating that the grade change has been processed. The student will be directed to view the grade change on their unofficial transcript.
  • If denied by the dean, an automatic email notification will be sent to the instructor. It is the instructor’s responsibility to inform the student that the grade was not approved.
  • If denied by the RO, an automatic email notification will be sent to the dean and instructor. It is the instructor’s responsibility to inform the student that the grade was not approved.

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Article ID: 10946
Fri 5/26/23 2:12 PM
Thu 4/25/24 2:24 PM