View Your Account Statement in TouchNet

Relevant to: students, staff.





This will guide you from MySUNYEmpire to the Touchnet Portal where you can view and print your bill as well as your billing history.



1) Log in to MySUNYEmpire and click on the Student Accounts icon.

Student Home page with Student Accounts icon indicated by a blue arrow.


2) Click on the TouchNet Portal

Student Accounts home page with the TouchNet Portal icon indicated by a blue arrow.


3) On the TouchNet Home page, select View Activity.

TouchNet homepage indicating view activity button


4) Here, you can select current term for your existing bill or a previous term for your billing history. You can also choose a filter for your activity.

Account Activity Term Selection Screen


5) Expand term details by clicking on the following icon: carrot icon Note: you can also create a PDF or Excel file of your billing details for your own records.

Fall 2020 Term indicated


6) The billing statement for the term of your choosing includes the aid you received, the charges you owed, and the balance/credit left over. Note: a negative balance is a credit owed to you as a refund and can be used to purchase course materials in the bookstore.

Billing Summary of selected term

Note: you can also create a PDF or Excel file of your billing details for your own records.

Student Account Balance with print out options indicated


Related Articles:

Purchase Books in the Bookstore and Bookstore FAQ


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Article ID: 10963
Fri 5/26/23 2:14 PM
Tue 7/2/24 10:05 AM