Calendar Maintenance and Administration

Note: This article is intended for people who will be entering and updating events in the university calendar. For a general introduction to the calendar, please see "Calendar Tips and Tricks."

Create a New Event

  1. Log into the calendar.
  2. Click on the "Add" button in the upper right.
    Note: You can also go to the day you want to enter an event, and click in a blank part of the day to add an event.
  3. The event form (shown below) will open in a new window.

    Screenshot of the blank event form

  4. Fill out the form according to the tips below and click "Add and close."


  • Online help is available. Click the "Help" button in the upper right of the event form.
  • "Title": Required.
  • "Venue": Optional.  The location of the event.  
  • "Category": Required. Choose the office or university function responsible for the event
  • "Start": Required.  The date and time of the event (or, with a multi-day event, the start date).  Click "All day" for an all-day event.
  • "End": The end time of an event (or, with a multi-day event, the end date).  Required unless "All day" is checked.
  • "No repeat"/Change: If you are entering a repeating event (for example, an event that happens every Tuesday), click the "Change" button and a window will pop up with repeat options.
  • "Description": Optional.  A simple text field for entering a description of the event. Click the red "?" to the left of the field for help formatting the text, as well as how to make a URL or mailto link.  Use the description field for the link to virtual events
  • "Audience" and "Keywords": Required. Select at least one item in each menu. To select more than one, hold down the "Control" key as you make your selections.
  • "Select Term" and "Select Session": Only required for events to be included in the "Dates and Deadlines" listing, such as dates for terms and registration, and deadlines for payment, withdrawal, application and financial aid.
  • "Select Feed": This field is still under development and should be left at "--None--".

Edit an Existing Event

  1. Log into the calendar.
  2. Click on the title of the event you want to edit. It will open in a new window in edit mode.
  3. Make changes as needed, then click "Save and close."

Copy an Existing Event

  1. Log into the calendar.
  2. Click on the title of the event you want to copy.  It will open in a new window in edit mode.
  3. Click on the "Save as New" button. You will get an "Event Added" message at the top of the event window.  
  4. Change the date, time, and/or any other items as needed. 
  5. Click "Save and close."

Delete an Existing Event

  1. Log into the calendar.
  2. Click on the title of the event you want to delete.  It will open in a new window in edit mode.
  3. Click on the "Delete" button. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the event.  Click "OK." 

Include an Event in Dates and Deadlines

NOTE: Dates and Deadlines is meant to cover the key dates related to a particular academic term and session, such as term, registration, application and payment deadlines.  The main audience is students.  Please keep these things in mind when deciding whether an event belongs in “Dates and Deadlines.” 

  • Fill out the event form as needed, following the "Tips" above.  
  • Select “Deadline” in the “Keywords” menu (even if the event doesn’t seem to be a deadline per se, such as the start and end dates for a term).
  • Select the applicable term from the “Select Term” drop-down menu.
  • Select the applicable session from the “Select Session” drop-down menu. 


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Article ID: 10995
Fri 6/9/23 11:51 AM
Tue 6/20/23 1:17 PM