Employee Laptop Docking Station Connection

Tags windows PC



Staff and faculty who have been converted to laptops as their primary machine will have the following computer hardware installed and configured for an office setup. 

 Office desk with laptop computer, two computer monitors, sound bar, docking station, keyboard, mouse, and phone.



Dual monitor configuration

1.    Docking station with available ports: 2 USB 3.0, 1 USB-C, 1 3.5 mm audio 

2.    Soundbar or computer speakers

3.    Full-size Keyboard and Mouse

4.    Laptop available ports: 2 USB-C port, 3 USB 3.0, Ethernet (hard-wired connection)




To Connect laptop to a docking station

1. Open laptop lid.

2. Power on laptop and log into your Windows profile.

3. Locate USB-C cable from docking station.

4. Insert the USC-C cable it into the USB-C port on the laptop.

Hand moving USC-C cable toward USB-C port on laptop computer.

5. Ensure cable is in the port all the way.

a. Please Note: The single USB-C connector provides the Display port/HDMI (video images), USB (keyboard and mouse), ethernet (internet), mini-stereo (audio) and power (charging) to the laptop.

6. Once the USB-C connection is in, the monitors will activate automatically.

a. Please Note: Display and power settings may need to be adjusted when you first connect the docking station.

7. Do not connect the laptop power supply and USB-C Cable Connector into the laptop at the same time.

8. Since the USB-C connector is already charging the laptop battery, there is no need to connect the laptop power supply to the laptop. This could potentially overcharge and damage the laptop.

Laptop computer with USB-C cable plugged in and power cable unplugged.

Laptop computer with power and USB-C cables plugged in and large red circle with cross indicating not permitted.

9. Close the laptop lid and carefully move it to a convenient place or use it as an additional screen.

The set up should now function as the same as a desktop PC.


To shut down laptop and disconnect from a dock


1. Carefully move laptop in a comfortable position to remove USB-C cable.

2. Pull the USB-C cable from the laptop.

3. The monitors will automatically fall asleep. No need to turn them off.

4. The docking station will remain dormant until it is reconnected to a laptop.


Please Note the following cautions:

·         Please take great care in moving the laptop while USB-C Connector is attached. Hitting the USB-C connector while attached to the laptop, could permanently damage the laptop.

·         Do not let it get caught under the laptop lid. This could crack the screen.

 Laptop computer with USC-C cover closed under laptop lid.



·         We recommend sliding the built-in USB 3.0 adaptor away from the end, closer to the docking station block.

If you encounter a technical issue or have a technical question, please contact the IT Service Desk.



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Article ID: 10999
Fri 6/9/23 11:51 AM
Tue 6/20/23 2:55 PM