Cognos - Downloading an Excel File from Citrix Connect

Relevant To: Staff


The steps below will show you how to download an Excel file from a report that was run in Cognos while using Citrix Connect (light version) to your local device.

1. Run the report that you will be downloading

2. Once the report is finished running, click on the down arrow located to the circled horizontal triangle and select 'Run Excel' from the dropdown

3. Select 'Finish'


4. Click the down arrow next to the Save button and select 'Save As'




5. Expand 'This PC' on the left-hand side of the file explorer window and select 'Save to my Device' then click save

You should then see the Excel file downloaded on your local device (Chrome-download will show in the lower left hand corner; Firefox-download will show after clicking on the blue arrow pointing down in the upper right hand corner of the browser window)


From there, you can open the Excel file on your local device as you normally would

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Article ID: 11046
Fri 6/9/23 12:04 PM
Wed 6/21/23 3:05 PM