
Relevant To: SUNY Empire Students, Faculty and Staff



Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (DevTools) is available to all students and faculty with an active Office365 Licence administered by the university. Through the website, students and faculty receive developer tools from Microsoft at no cost – everything needed to create apps, games and websites. It provides tools to departments, faculty, and students to expand their study of software development and testing. These tools include such technologies as Project, Visio, Platform SDK, SQL Server, Visual Studio .NET, and Windows Server.

Formerly known as Microsoft Imagine, this subscription program has changed to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. All current Imagine subscriptions have automatically transitioned to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching and have access to the same software tools they have enjoyed with Imagine.



How to Log into Microsoft Azure Dev Tools


  1. Go to Microsoft Azure Dev Tools and click Sign In
  2. At the Microsoft Azure login page, enter your student email address as the username (e.g., You will be re-directed to our university login page.
  3. ClickYesor No. Yes will keep you logged into the browser for an extended period of time.
  4. At the Welcome to the Azure Education Hub Start Page, Click on Download Software or Click Software under Learning Resources in the Navigation panel.
  5. Once logged in, Under Learning Resources on the left navigation panel click on Software.
  6. You can browse the list of software available or continue to the next section for information on search for and downloading your software.




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How to find, download and install software 


1.   Once logged in, you will be directed to the Azure education quick start page.

2.   When you click on the 'Software' choice, you will be presented with a list of programs that you can search through on the right.

3.   Enter the software title name in the Search field (i.e. Project, Visio) and the list of titles will be narrowed down based on your search criteria.

4.   Once you locate the software you need, click on your software choice link to open up a new window which will appear on the right side of the page. 

5.   Click on the Download button  Download     at the bottom of the page. This will download the .iso file to your computer. To find the downloaded file, see our article on Downloading Files from the Web for more information.

6.   To view the software license key, click on the View Key button  View Key  ' which is located right above the download button. 


PLEASE NOTE:  Make sure to copy this key, you will need to use this key in a future step after the installation process. 




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 Extracting and Installing Downloaded Software Files

The downloaded file from Microsoft Azure is in an .iso format. Depending on how your computer,  this file might need to be extracted in order to run the setup.exe installer. You can use programs such as WinZip or 7Zip to extract the files if needed.

  1. Once you locate the file on your computer, double click the .iso file to view the file contents
  2. Double Click on the setup.exe file to run the program installation launcher. 


During the installing process, please keep in mind that the installation can either take a few minutes or a little longer depending on the speed of your computing device. 


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Accessing your Orders and Product Keys


You can access an existing software order or locate the product key for activating your software on up to three computers or devices.  Please Note: For additional information regarding the use of any product on the Dev Tools website,go to the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching Agreement

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure Webstore and click Sign In. 
  2. In the left navigation panel look for My Account section and Click on theProfile link.



An Alternative method to view your software key is:

1.   Locate the software on the list and click on it.

2.   Clicking on the  View Key  ' button which is located below the program description and right above the   Download   button.

3.   Copy and paste the key into the installation key field for the software installation when asked.

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Article ID: 11081
Tue 6/27/23 2:28 PM
Mon 8/28/23 9:20 AM