Translation Extensions for Web Browsers


There are various translation extensions can be installed for most browsers including Google Chrome and Firefox.   This article will explain how to download and install browser extensions for assistance in translating content on websites.   This article will use the Google Translate add-in as an example.

Adding Browser Extensions - Google Chrome

All chrome extensions can be located in the Chrome Webstore. There you can search for all extensions available for Google Chrome. 

As an example, you can download and install the Google Translate Extension.  From the extension page, choose Add to Chrome

Screenshot for Google Translate Extension


Once the extension is installed,  right click on any webpage and select Google Translate from the menu. The translate add in will then translate the web page into the language you select.

Screen shot showing right click menu with google translate

For more information, please visit the Google Translate Extension page.

Adding Browser Extensions - Firefox

All Firefox extensions can be located in the Firefox add-ons page. There you can search for all add-ons available for Firefox. 

As an example, we’ll go over how to download and activate To Google Translate add-on for Firefox.

Visit the To Google Translate add-on page, then click 'Add to Firefox'

Screen shot showing To Google Translate Add-on

Once the extension is installed, right click on any webpage and select To Google Translate from the menu.  The translate add in will then translate the web page into the language you select. Extensions - Google Chrome



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