Introduction: Beginning February 6th, use this form to request a Just-in-Time (JIT), Totally Individualized Study (TIS), or Cross Registration section. The JIT and TIS requests will be sent to the department chair for review. Email notifications will be sent to involved parties through the workflow. Cross registration and Educational Planning sections do not have department chair review and the course registration number (CRN) is created within minutes.
- Navigate to MySUNYEmpire, select the Self-Service Banner (SSB) icon, select the Faculty Services tab, then select the Course Section Request block.
- Find your mentee either by the drop-down list, student ID filter, or first or last name filter.

3. Be sure to select the line with the student’s name. This will open the form with fields to populate.
For a JIT section, populate the following fields: select term, select a course subject and select a course number.

If there is a section in the term guide that would be a good option for your student, but no open seats, it is suggested that you first try to get a seat in that section. Copy the CRN from the list, click on the MentorCapOverRequest link and submit a capacity override request for your student. If the available sections are not a good option for your student, or if there are no sections listed, click the “Request a JIT” button.

The form will open, and additional fields will appear. Populate the following fields: part of term, grade mode and suggested instructor, if you have one.
Note: If you have a suggested instructor and have discussed the section need with them, click the “I have discussed…” box. The instructor field is not mandatory. If the instructor is not on the drop-down list or you don’t have one in mind, leave instructor field blank and make note in the mentor reason comment box to give the department chair any additional information.

Click “Submit”, and you will receive this message:

For a TIS section, when you enter a “998” course number into the course selection field, additional fields will open for you to populate.
Reminder: course numbers that are 1998 and 2998 are intro level courses, 3998 and 4998 are advanced level courses, and 6998 and 7998 are graduate level courses.
Populate the following fields: part of term, grade mode, credits, suggested instructor if you have one, and course attribute.
Note: If you have a suggested instructor and have discussed the section need with them, click the “I have discussed…” box. The instructor field is not mandatory. If the instructor is not on the drop-down list or you don’t have one in mind, leave instructor field blank and make note in the mentor reason comment box to give the department chair any additional information.

Continue to populate the following fields: short title, long title, description, learning objectives, and mentor reason.

Click “Submit”, and you will receive this message:

For a cross registration section, when you enter an “XRGS” or “XRGO” into the course subject field, additional fields will open for you to populate.
Reminder: course numbers that are 1XXX and 2XXX are intro level courses, 3XXX and 4XXX are advanced level courses, and 6XXX and 7XXX are graduate level courses.
Populate the following fields: grade mode, credits, short title, long title, and institution name of the host school.

Click “Submit”, and you will receive this message: