SUNY Empire Academic Research Network Online Lab

Tags ARN Online Lab

When you log onto the Academic Research Network (ARN) to access and perform your online labs, you are actually connecting to the ARN server. What you see on your device's screen is not occurring on your device, but on the server. From your device, you instruct the server to activate the software and send remote commands, which the server then executes.

Since you are using the software remotely, the data files for the labs must be shared with the server before you can start the lab. When saving the lab's output files, they must first be saved to the server and then transferred to your device. Anytime a file needs to be transferred, this two-step process must be followed. For uploads to the server, save the file to your device first, and then save it to your folder on the server. For downloads, save the file to your folder on the server first, and then save it to your device.

System Rules to Be Aware Of

The following four rules will apply to the online labs:

1. Disconnected sessions will automatically log off in 5 minutes.

2. Idle sessions will log off automatically in 30 minutes.

3. Active sessions are limited to 3 hours.

4. The number of connections to some online labs is limited, and you may need to try connecting later if all connections are in use. If the issue persists, please submit an incident ticket at here.

Requesting the Academic Research Network Online Lab

You will need to request access to ARN if you don't already have it. Visit the SUNY Empire IT Service Desk ARN Request Page and click on 'Request Academic Research Network' on the right side of the page to submit your request. Be sure to include 'ARN Access' in the brief description to ensure it is directed to the correct department.

Accessing the Academic Research Network Online Lab

Test your access by clicking the following link: Academic Research Network

When prompted, enter your school login information, which is typically your username and password. If you have issues logging into ARN, submit a Service Desk ticket and use 'ARN – virtual lab account' as the subject/title of your ticket or where it says Please enter a brief description.










Opening the software

Once you have signed in, select either the 'DESKTOPS' or 'APPS' option at the top of the ARN screen to view the online labs available to you. After entering the DESKTOPS or APPS page, you will see an icon for the software assigned to you. Click on the icon to launch the software.

After a minute or two of connection activities/security checks, etc., a new tab will open, and you will be directed to your online lab. Please note that the first time you log in, it may take some time for the system to create your profile on the server, so be patient — it could take several minutes.

IMPORTANT: Watch for any messages asking you to allow pop-ups from the site or to enable the Citrix plug-in. If these appear, make sure to allow them. Also, if you see any pop-up when opening the software, you can close it after reviewing the information.

Uploading Your File to online lab

Click on the black tab at the top center of this screen, then Upload your files.

 Citrix tab


A new window will pop up showing your device's files. Browse to the location where your lab files and select them and click the Open button.

A new window that says "Upload To:" will open. You should see your name:

Upload To

Expand your name to show more and select (one click) the "Documents" folder, then click the OK button. The files will be saved to the Documents folder.

Note: If you have issues uploading (or downloading) files, please submit an incident ticket and be sure to state that it needs to be assigned to an ARN administrator.

Downloading Your File to your local device

Now go back to the little black tab at the top of your browser window. This time select Download to save your work to your device.

In your Documents folder select the file you want to copy to your device and click Open. And now the file has been saved to your device by default in your Downloads folder.

Logging off

When you are ready to leave the online lab, click the black tab at the top of the screen and select 'Log Off.' You will be returned to the Citrix ARN login window, which has likely timed out. You may log in again if you wish or close the window. Additionally, it is important to save and download any course work you wish to keep before signing out of the online lab. Otherwise, any unsaved data may be lost.