Deans and Department Chairs


Deans and Department Chairs


If assistance is needed to find an instructor to teach a JIT or TIS, please email the Department Chair.

Department Department Chair Subject Course Codes

School of Arts and Humanities - Dean Nicola Allain

Department of Historical Studies Paul Miller HIST
Department of Arts and Media Cindy Bates ARTS, CRWR, DANC, DIGA, DIGS, MUSC, MUSE, PHOT, ARTP, FILM, THEA
Department of Literature, Communication and Cultural Studies Dana Gliserman-Kopans ASLG, CHIN, COMM, CUST, PHIL, COMW,  FREN, ITAL, LING, LITR, SPAN
School of Business - Dean Julie Gedro    
Department of Accounting, Economics, Finance Nazik Roufaiel ACCT, FSMA,ECON
Department of Management and Human Resource Management Sue Epstein HRMS, MGMT
Department of Business, International Business, and Marketing Dongho Kim BUSN, MRKT
School of Human Services - Dean Desalyn De-Souza    
Department of Health and Human Services Thalia MacMillan ADDS, HLHS, HLAD, HUSV
Department of Child and Family Studies Lynette Stewart DISB, CHFS
School of Science, Mathematics and Technology - Dean Mary Mawn    
Department of Natural Sciences Kevin Woo BIOL, CHEM, ENSC, GEOL, GSCI, HSCI,  PHYS
Department of Mathematics Nikki Shrimpton MATH
Department of Computer Science and Technology Nikki Shrimpton CSCI, INFS, INFT, MGIS
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences - Interim Dean Gina Torino    
Department of Educational Studies Tracy Galuski ECET, EDST, SSAE
Department of Psychology and Human Development Margaret Clark-Plaskie PSYC, HUDV
Department of Social Science and Public Affairs Deborah Amory ANTH, POLI, SOCI, SOCS, CRJS, EMGT, FIRA, LEST, PADM, PAFF, PPOL
Coordinator of Educational Planning Susan Oaks EDPL
Coordinator of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein AMST, DIGS, ENST, GSST, INDG, INMS, STSO
Harry Van Arsdale School of Labor Studies - Interim Dean Gina Torino    
All LABR courses Richard Wells LABR
School of Nursing and Allied Health - Interim Dean Maureen Kroning    
Department of Nursing and Allied Health Rebecca Hegel NURS, ALLH
School for Graduate Studies- Interim Dean Audeliz Matias    
Business, Management & Leadership Graduate Division (BML) Sewon Kim MGMT, FSMA, HCLM, APAN
Graduate Liberal Arts & Science Division (GLAS) Roxana Toma PPOL, PADM, CAED, LABR, LACS, PBHS, INFT
Education Graduate Division (EDU) Tina Wagle EDUC, EDLC, APPL, EDET, ADLC, SPED, CURI



Article ID: 10683
Tue 5/2/23 3:28 PM
Mon 9/23/24 12:22 PM