Lifeworks Mental Health How to Access MYSSP App


Relevant to: Students, Faculty, Staff.





SUNY Empire recognizes the struggles our students face as students, parents, care takers, community members. To support our students holistically, SUNY Empire has teamed with LifeWorks My Student Support Program (MySSP) to provide confidential, high quality mental health support for our students. LifeWorks MySSP program provides access to mental health professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. This service is no additional cost to students and supported by the student health fee.

Students can call in one time or call multiple times to discuss what is going on in their lives with a trained mental health professional. The mobile application and website provide a vast number of self-help and wellness resources and the ability to text with a mental health professional. This article will discuss how to access the mental health services from your mobile phone, the internet, and using a phone number to call for support.

Accessing the LifeWorks MySSP through the mobile app:

Visit any mobile application store to download the LifeWorks MySSP app. Below are direct links to download the app from the Apple App store, Google Play, and Android Direct Download.

· Apple App Store (external link)

· Google Play Store (external link)

· Android Direct Download (external link)

Once the app is downloaded, open the app to begin to sign in.

Type ‘Empire State University’ and select the option under the text bar.

After selecting the university, confirm this is the correct university/university.

A screen will then ask you to provide your personal details to access the application. You must enter your chosen name, your last name, your language, your country, and then review and accept the terms and conditions for using the application. Please enter your information accurately and honestly as the LifeWorks mental health professionals will need to ensure they are routing you to the best possible services.

Fill out your personal details

Once you have completed your personal details and reviewed the terms of use, press complete and you are signed up for MySSP. The next few screens will showcase the resources within the app you have available.

Once you have reviewed those screens your new LifeWorks MySSP home screen makes it super simple to call, text, or explore resources. To complete a call or text you may be asked or requested to enter more information about your current location or a phone number for a clinician to reach out to you in case of an emergency, please enter this information accurately and honestly.

Enter the additional informatin requested

If you had a great experience, or even a not-so-great experience, LifeWorks MySSP seeks your feedback to improve their services. Click the feedback button to send feedback.

Now, explore the app to see how much it has to offer!


Using the internet:

Visit MySSP.App to find phone numbers, use a text-based chat feature and explore support options.


Directly Calling MySSP for Support:

LifeWorks MySSP telephone support is available online via the My SSP app as well as by dialing the numbers listed here. It is available real-time 24/7, and it’s delivered by experienced counselors. Please make sure you are available for a minimum of 30 minutes for the session, in a comfortable and quiet location.

· United States: 1 (866) 743-7732

· Canada: 1 (855) 649-8641

· United Kingdom: 44 0800 086 9920

· Hong Kong: 800 906 199

· Region not listed? Call +1 (416) 380-6578. International calling charges may apply.




Article ID: 10892
Fri 5/26/23 1:57 PM
Thu 3/13/25 12:06 PM