Incomplete Request Guide for Students


Relevant to: students, faculty, staff.





The Incomplete Grade Request Form is required by both undergraduate and graduate students to request an incomplete grade in their current course. Students may submit an incomplete grade request if they have consistently engaged in learning activities and have successfully completed at least fifty percent of the assigned work before the end of the course.


Per university policy, an instructor is not obligated to grant an incomplete.

Note: When a student requests an incomplete through the incomplete request form, the course will be removed from their unofficial transcript. If the instructor approves the request, the course will reappear on the unofficial transcript with an outcome designation of incomplete (IN). If the request is denied, the course will reappear and will be graded by the instructor.



Submitting an Incomplete Grade Request


1. Go to MySUNYEmpire Student Home

2. Select Self-Service Banner


3. Select the Student block, and then the Incomplete Grade Request block.

Self Service Banner with Incomplete Grade Request indicated


4. The Incomplete Grade Request page will display your ungraded courses. You may only request an incomplete in a course without a grade.

Click on the course in which you wish to request an incomplete. Your course information will be populated below the list. Note: if you do not see your course in the list, a grade has been submitted by the instructor. Please contact your instructor with any questions about the current grade.

Select the ungraded course to start the request


5. Provide a rationale for your request (this field is required). This information will help your instructor make their decision to approve or deny your request.

Provide a ratonale for the request


6. Provide a plan for completion (this field is required). You should list any assignments that are still due and outline your plan to complete them.

Detail your completion plan for unfinished assignments here


7. In order to submit your incomplete request, you must agree to the conditions of an incomplete as stated in the Undergraduate Grading and Evaluation Policy or the Graduate Evaluation and Grading Policy.

You must agree to the conditions before you can submit the request


Click Submit. You will receive a pop-up message: “You have successfully submitted your request”. Additionally, you and your mentor/advisor will receive an email confirmation of your request.  

Note: The student rationale, plan for completion, and agreement to the grading policy are required fields. You will receive an error message if you do not complete all required components.

If you need to submit additional incomplete requests, please start the process again. Any course with an active request will no longer appear on your list.


What happens next?

Your instructor will receive an email once you have submitted your request. After your instructor reviews, they will either deny or approve. If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with the following information:

1. Default grade that will be issued if no work is completed.

2. Your work due date

3. List of outstanding work

If denied, you will also receive an email confirmation. Any questions regarding the status of your incomplete request or your work should be directed to your instructor.



Article ID: 10917
Fri 5/26/23 2:11 PM
Wed 7/3/24 9:15 AM