Late Registration Request Student Guide


Relevant to: Students, staff, faculty.





The Late Registration Form is used to request registration additions or changes after the add/drop period for a session, and should only be needed in extenuating circumstances. You may use this form to add a class or exchange one class for another session in a term with the same start date (example: Full Term-15wk & Express Term One-8 wk have the same start date). This form is not used to withdraw from a course.



In order to complete this form, you will need the course registration number (CRN) for the class you want to add. You can locate the CRN by searching for the course in the Term Guide. The CRN is located on the left column of the search results.


Term Guide with a course's CRN indicated


*Note* If you are registering for Educational Planning, a totally individualized study (TIS), or a just in time study (JIT), you will receive an email with a CRN for the class. If you have not received this email, please reach out to your mentor.


If you are requesting more than one addition or exchange, you will need to submit additional requests.



1.) To get started, log into your MySUNYEmpire. From the menu, select the Registrar link.



2.) Under Other Helpful Links, select the Late Registration Request link, which will take you to the form.


Late Registration Request


3.) Be sure to read the acknowledgements before opening. Click on the Open Late Reg Form button.


Open Late Reg Form link


4.) Under Add this Course, insert the CRN of the class into the Enter CRN field. The course information will auto populate.


Add this Course


5.) Select the grading option (standard letter grade or pass/no pass). Once a grading option is selected it cannot be changed. Graduate level courses require standard grade selection.


Select Grading Option


6.) If exchanging the course for one you are currently registered for in the same session, complete the dropping a course section. If dropping, the courses in which a student is registered will appear in the select course dropdown. Select the course that will be dropped. Double check the selection.


Select course you are dropping


If “No Course to Drop” appears in the select course dropdown, this means no registrations exist in the session in which the addition is being made.


If you are not dropping a course, select No Course to Drop


7.) Click the Submit Request button to submit the form.


Submit Request link


8.) You will receive the below notification when your form is submitted.


Successful submission of registratoin request notice


This process is subject to approval of both mentor and dean, and may take 2-3 business days. If approved, your request will be processed and you will receive a confirmation email from the Office of the Registrar. A notification from the Office of the Registrar will also be sent if the request is not approved.




Article ID: 10940
Fri 5/26/23 2:12 PM
Tue 7/2/24 9:27 AM