Register Using the CRNs Tab


Relevant to: Students, Faculty, and Staff.








 CRN numbers are typically used to register for a Totally Individualized Study (TIS), Just in Time Section (JIT), and Cross Registration section.



Register Using the Enter CRNs tab


1.   Go to MySUNYEmpire Student Portal

2.   Select the Registration and Course Offerings icon.

3.   Select Begin or Modify Registration.

4.   Enter the Term and click Continue.

5.   Go to the Enter CRNs tab:


register with CRN


6.  Enter CRN(s) in the CRN box and click Add to Summary.  This will add the courses to your Summary (lower right hand corner) that you wish to register in.  The course status will be Pending


CRN pending


*TIP* The toggle button in the middle of the screen and the Panels button allows you to maximize and minimize your view.


   7. Click the Submit button to complete your registration.The status will change to Registered.


submit and save




Article ID: 10948
Fri 5/26/23 2:12 PM
Fri 4/5/24 2:54 PM