Lock your Empire State University computer
Relevant To: Faculty and Staff
Your Empire State University issued computer may provide access to confidential student and employee information and your personal information as well. To increase cybersecurity and protect personal and campus information resources from theft, malicious destruction, alterations or other inappropriate or negligent acts, we strongly encourage staff and faculty to lock their ESU issued computer manually when leaving the computer unattended. When working on lab, classroom or shared computer, always save your work and log off ESU computers when you are finished working.
To lock your Windows computer press the Windows Key + L or Control + Alt + Delete then select “Lock this computer”.
To lock your Mac (Apple) computer press Command + Option + Eject.
NOTE: To unlock your computer, type in your password.
Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to improve and secure ESU systems.
Windows keyboard:
MAC (Apple) keyboard:
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