Relevant to: Staff, Students, and Faculty.
The term guide allows you to see all the currently scheduled classes at the university.
If you are not yet a student, please navigate to
If you are a student, please log in to MySUNYEmpire. From there, click the Registration and Course Offerings icon.

From here, click the Browse Term Guide button.

Click in the text box and choose a term. Click continue.

Here, enter your search criteria. If you click in the Subject field, a drop-down menu will appear that allows you to choose any or multiple areas of study to browse. You may add a course number in the Course Number field if you are looking for a specific course. Additionally, you may choose the mode of study that works best for you by clicking in the Modes of Study field. Click in the School field to choose which school (Graduate, Undergraduate, Labor Studies, or Nursing) your class is offered. You may add even more criteria by clicking the Advanced Search button. This will allow you to add additional criteria, like the regional location or display only sections with open seats. Once you have completed the form, click the Search button.

If you don't get the search results you are looking for, the breadcrumb trail will allow you to quickly to jump back to a previous screen.

Your search results will display the subject, course number, course title, instructor and other information in a condensed table. For more detailed info about any course, click the course title.

A pop-up window will appear and provide further details, like a course description, the learning outcomes, and other important information about the course.

Related Article:
Ways to Study
Course Catalog vs. Term Guide