MS Teams - Enabling PC Virtual Cursor for JAWS


To use JAWS with MS Teams on a PC, you need a Virtual Cursor enabled. This setting is not the default in MS Teams and it needs to be activated following the directions below.


Activating the Virtual Cursor

1. Run JAWS, and open Microsoft Teams.

2. Press the SR key+6 to open the JAWS Settings Center window. A search box will open in that window.

3. Type “use virtual PC” in the search box.

4. Press the “Tab” key once to move the focus to the list of search results. You will hear, "Use virtual PC cursor," followed by the current setting of the virtual PC cursor option.

a. If the current setting is "Unchecked," press the “Spacebar” key to select the “Use virtual PC cursor” check box.

5. Press the “Tab” key until you hear, "OK button."

6. Press “Enter” key to save your setting.


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Article ID: 10742
Fri 5/26/23 1:51 PM
Tue 6/27/23 7:27 PM