MS Teams - How to Present a Live Event


In a live event, there are three roles that someone can come in with:

Attendee – Able to come in and watch the event being broadcast and ask questions. They have very limited meeting functions and cannot share their video, audio, or screen for broadcast.

Presenter – Given access to the live event to broadcast their video, audio, and screen (only the Producer has the control to choose what gets broadcast). Able to moderate the Attendee’s Q&A area.

Producer – Individual who created the event and is the primary Presenter. They have the ability to determine what will be broadcast to other Presenters and Attendees. They can select up to nine Presenters for a single live event.

This article will provide instructions for a Presenter on how to join a Microsoft Teams Live Event, how to share your screen with a Producer (and potentially Attendees), and how to view, publish, and reply questions posed by Attendees.

Table of Contents:



Joining a Live Event & Getting Started

1. Click the “Join live event” link provided to attend the meeting.

2. Enter the Live Event lobby to  decide what video and mic settings that you want to start with:

 A. Turn camera on or off.

 B. Blur background.

 C. Turn mic on or off.

 D. Adjust device settings.

3. Click the “Join now” button, once your settings are in place. (For more information about navigating in the Live Event, see the article “Presenter Toolbar.”)

4. View what is being broadcast to other Attendees and Presenters at the center of the screen.

5. Use the meeting toolbar to adjust your settings and use the functions available to you as a Presenter:

A. Status of event broadcast.

B. Length of meeting.

C. Turn your video on and off.

D. Turn your mic on and off.

E. Share your screen with the Producer who can broadcast your screen to the attendees (see the “Screen sharing” section for further instruction).

F. Open “more actions” for live captions, background effects, meeting notes, full screen mode, and device settings.

G. Open a chat that is only visible to Producers and Presenters in the meeting.

H. View the list of Producers and Presenters (Note: you can’t see who the attendees are).

I. Open the Q&A (see the “Moderation” section for detail on your moderator abilities).

J. Hang up/leave the event.


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Screen Sharing to Producer

1.  Click the “Screen sharing” icon on the meeting toolbar, and a dialog box will open at the bottom of the screen.

2.  Click the “Include System Audio” checkbox if you need attendees to hear the audio playing from your device.

a.  Please Note: leave the box unchecked if attendees just need to see visuals and hear your mic without any other audio.

3.  Select the “Desktop” or “Window” you want projected to the attendees. The Producer does have the ability to display this to the attendees or choose not to do so.


a.  Please Note: close windows you do not want broadcasted to everyone live.


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Q&A Moderation

1.  Click the “Q&A” icon on the meeting toolbar, and a dialog box will open in the app. There are three tabs to choose from to:

2.  Review “New” unpublished questions, make announcements, and provide private responses (only visible to other Presenters until you hit the "Publish" button)

3.  Reply to “Published” questions that go live to all attendees

4.  Retrieve “Dismissed” questions.


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Article ID: 10747
Fri 5/26/23 1:51 PM
Tue 6/27/23 7:24 PM