MS Teams - Polling with Polly


Polly is a tool that works within MS Teams. The app can be “called” into meetings and message broads to present a variety of poll types created by the “organizer.”

Table of Contents:



How to download Polly for the first time

1. Open MS Teams” on your desktop or mobile device.

2. Open the Advanced Editor” in the message board or chat that you want to conduct a poll in.

3. Click the “…” icon (it looks like an ellipsis) within the Advanced Editor for “more actions.” A pop-up menu will appear with app options.

4. Select the “More apps” option from the pop-up menu.

5. Click the “Polly” icon to download the app from the list; it’s under the “Messaging” sub-topic.

6. Return to the message board/chat to start writing your poll, Polly should now appear as an option in your Advanced Editor options as an icon.

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How to post your poll

1. Open the Polly” app in the message board or chat that you want to post a poll by clicking its icon from the Advanced Editor.”

2. Fill out the form details:

· Audience: select the channel you want to post your poll to (for message board) or chat name.

· Send poll at: you can send the poll Now” or pre-set it to load at a later date.

· Close poll at: 7 days later is the default (you can close/delete a poll later if you change your mind).

· Question: select the type of question you want:

· Multiple choice

· Open ended

· Agree/Disagree

· 1 to 5

· 1 to 10

· Enter your question information (and choices if Multiple choice).

· Check boxes if you want to permit multiple submissions or if audience can submit choices.

· Poll settings: allow or dis-enable comments that are visible to all participants.

· Result settings: choose whether to make results available after the poll, display in real-time as responses are submitted, or not to share results with participants (only organizer creating poll can view).

· Audience settings: select Non-anonymous or anonymous polling

3. Select “Preview” button for a last chance to review/edit the poll.

4. Click the “Send” button to confirm that you want to publish your poll.

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Using Polly for quizzes

Instructors can use Polly for quizzes during synchronous sessions. Each question posed to the students does need to be created as its own separate Polly. Questions can be setup at the beginning of the meeting and set to "Send" throughout. Results will appear in the "Polly" chat after the close date.  Some best practices when setting up the question can be:

  1. Don't grade until the "Poll close date" (the default is set to seven days and can be adjusted). Students will still be able to take the quiz/respond until the close date.
  2. Uncheck the "multiple submission" option, students will be able to check/update their responses until the poll close otherwise. 
  3. Dis-enable the comments, so students can not provide questions to each other. 
  4. Set the "Result settings" to "not share with participants" to protect student privacy.
  5. Set the "Audience settings" to "non-anonymous" in order to give credit to each student for their response.

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Viewing your Polls

When you click on the Polly tab, you will see all of your polls summarized in a block format:

You will see all polls created by members of the channel, and their results. You can also perform additional operations on polls here, such as closing or deleting a poll.

If you click “View All Results” on a poll, you will get a more detailed breakdown of that poll’s results.

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Seeing Voter Names

By default, all polls are not anonymous and are populated with user names as Polly processes their vote. You can see a quick snapshot of the voters’ names on the poll results in the channel.

However, since Polly can only fit so many votes in the window, if you want to see all the voters’ names, navigate to the Polly tab where you can see all the results of your polls.

By default, Polly will collapse voter names if there are more than three votes for an option. To show all names, click on the “Show Votes” text to reveal the additional voter names.

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Article ID: 10753
Fri 5/26/23 1:51 PM
Tue 6/27/23 7:21 PM