Adjusting Final Grades for Students

Relevant to: faculty and staff

This article contains information considered accurate at the time of publishing. Technology updates, changes in University security practices, policies and procedures may effect the information in this article - updates to articles are scheduled on a periodic basis and will address any required changes.


In Brightspace, you can adjust your final grades for specific students before releasing them. This article will show you how to adjust final grades for specific students.

Please note: final grades must be entered through the Submit Grades option in Self-Service Banner.

Adjusting Final Grades for Specific Students

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To adjust final grades for one or more specific students:

  1. On the course home page, select Course Menu from the navbar. Then, from the drop-down menu that appears, select Grades.
  2. In the Enter Grades area under Final Grades, from the Final Calculated Grade context menu, select the down chevron next to where it says "Final Calculated Grade." Then, select Enter Grades.

    Enter grades option from the down chevron next to final calculated grade under final grades.

  3. Under Final Adjusted Grade, enter the student's adjusted grade using the formula you have developed.

    The final adjusted grade column of the Brightspace gradebook

  4. Then, select the Calculator button to recalculate the student's adjusted grade.

    The calculator icon in the Brightspace gradebook.

  5. Select Grade Items Included in Adjusted Final Grade. Then, press Calculate.

    Grade items included in adjusted final grade,  along with the Calculate button.

  6. Enter any feedback for the student under the Feedback section by selecting the pencil icon.

    The pencil icon in the feedback section

  7. Select the checkbox under the Released section to release the student's final grade.

    The checkbox under the released section of the Brightspace adjusted gradebook

  8. Select Save and Close.
  9. Select Yes to confirm your saved changes.
  10. The adjusted final grade will now appear.

    The adjusted final grade as it appears in the Brightspace gradebook

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Article ID: 10768
Fri 5/26/23 1:53 PM
Thu 5/16/24 1:04 PM