Academic Dismissal and the Reinstatement Process

Relevant to: students, faculty, staff.





Here we explain the required steps to take for an academically dismissed student who wishes to request reinstatement and how to navigate through the appropriate links and icons.


Academic Dismissal and the Reinstatement Process

What Constitutes Academic Probation and Dismissal:

You must maintain an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in order to remain in good academic standing with the university. If this does not happen, you will be placed on Academic Probation for a period of one term. While placed on Academic Probation, you must achieve a minimum term GPA of 2.0. If a 2.0 GPA in your current term is not achieved, you will be academically dismissed from the university.

What does this mean?

Dismissal from the university means that your registration is no longer active and you are not permitted to register for courses. This can only be reversed through a favorable outcome of a Reinstatement Request.

Priority Deadlines For Review of Reinstatement Requests:

Students in academic dismissal status are not eligible for reinstatement for at least 16 weeks or one term, whichever is longer, from the date of dismissal.

We will review requests in the order in which we receive them. While we will review all requests up to the start of each term, to ensure that your documents are reviewed in time for the upcoming term, please return your documents by the dates listed.

Priority dates for document submission


How to Navigate the Student Portal to Start the Reinstatement Request

Log into the Student Portal and click on Site Map.

Student home page with Site Map indicated


Under the Students section, click on Student Support and Outreach.

Site Map page with Student Support and Outreach link indicated


On the Student Support and Outreach home page, click on the Apply for Reinstatement Icon.

Student Support and Outreach homepage with Apply for Reinstatement indicated


Procedure for Requesting Academic Reinstatement:

To regain eligibility for enrollment you need to:

1. Update Personal Information through Self-Service Banner. If you cannot remember your login and/or password, contact

2. Complete the Reinstatement Application Form. This form is to be used by students who have been academically dismissed. Applications will be processed and reviewed in the order in which we receive them. The process can take 30 days from receipt of application.

3. Procedure for Requesting Financial Aid/Loan Reinstatement If you received financial aid or loans in the past, you will need to fill out the financial aid waiver form.

Click on the “Mitigating Circumstances – Financial Aid” link to download the form. Please fill out the top portion of the form and send it along with your letter. The Financial Aid appeal will require appropriate third party documentation of the mitigating/extenuating circumstances in order to determine whether or not you qualify for financial aid reinstatement. Hence, if you have supporting documents such as a doctor’s note, an accident report, a police report or a letter from your employer, please include this documentation.

For more information about Academic Dismissal/Reinstatement please read about this policy.

If you have further questions about this process, please contact the Student Support and Outreach office at or by calling 800-847-3000 ext. 1110.