MS Teams - Breakout Rooms (for Students)

Relevant to: students


Instructors are able to create Breakout Rooms, moving students from the main meeting into separate rooms, like mini-meetings. This article reviews what you can and cannot do in a room, as well as how to return to the main meeting.

Joining a Breakout Room

  • By default, breakout rooms are set to automatically send you to the room when your instructor opens the room. No action is required on your part when this setting is used.
  • If your instructor has turned off the automatic setting, you'll receive a message notifying you of the open breakout room. Select the "Join" button to be sent to the room. The exact wording can vary based on browser/device.
  • If you're joining from your mobile device, do not navigate away from the meeting while your instructor is setting up rooms. You cannot be assigned to a room if you’re not in the meeting at that time.
  • If you need to switch devices during the meeting or join with two devices, you'll still stay in the correct breakout room.

Returning to the Main Meeting/Room

  • You'll see a banner appear at the top of the room warning when your instructor is sending you back to the main meeting. No action is required on your part when this setting is used.
  • Some instructors will enable a “Return” button in the breakout room’s toolbar that allows you to rejoin the main meeting on your own.
  • If you are dropped from the meeting and/or room, you can still rejoin using the original "Join" link/meeting invitation that you entered with. Your instructor will be able to reassign you to your breakout room from there.

What Participants Can and Cannot Do in a Breakout Room

Participants in a Breakout Room

  1. Can share their screen and start a Whiteboard (they have abilities that normally only go to “Presenters” in a meeting and are not usually given to “Attendees”).
  2. Cannot invite additional participants.
  3. Will not see suggestions of people who should join (Organizers can).
  4. Cannot get meeting details or dial out.
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Fri 5/26/23 2:16 PM
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