How do I share a calendar with someone else

Share a Calendar with Others

Relevant To: Faculty/Staff


You can share a Calendar with others and specify the level of access to grant (for instance, if you want them to be able to view your calendar but not be able to edit it).


  1. Open the Microsoft Outlook program
  2. Navigate to the Calendar screen by selecting the calendar icon in the lower left of the window
  3. Locate the 'Share Calendar' button in the ribbon at the top of the window
  4. Select the 'Share Calendar' button
  5. A new email screen will open
  6. Type in the name of the person you want to share the Calendar with
  7. In the Details field, specify the level of access you want to provide
  8. Send the email to share your calendar.
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Article ID: 11015
Fri 6/9/23 11:54 AM
Tue 6/20/23 11:12 AM