Grading FAQ

Relevant to: faculty, staff.




An FAQ regarding grading and grading-related issues (entry, changes, and types).



Grading FAQ

Office of the Registrar

February 2025 rev.



 Grade Entry


Grade Entry

 How do I enter my grades?

Log into MySUNYEmpire. Select Self-Service Banner (SSB). Select Faculty Services. Select Submit Grades. For detailed instructions on how to enter grades, please view our KB article.


I am having trouble entering my grades. What should I try before opening a technology ticket?

When all else fails, try clearing your browser’s cache. If clearing your browser’s cache does not work, you can enter grades through the Class Roster. This is located next to Submit Grades in SSB.


How do I enter grades through the Class Roster?

Log into MySUNYEmpire. Select SSB. Select Faculty Services. Select Class Roster.

Faculty Self Service Banner with Class Roster highlighted


I can’t find the grading area for a student. What should I do?

In most instances, this occurs when a student is enrolled in a JIT or TIS. Banner may list your classes out of order. If this happens, go to the next page of your list as it will often be located at the end. If you still do not see it, you can enter grades through the Class Roster.


Can I enter an incomplete temporarily so I have more time for grading?

No. Instructors cannot give students an incomplete through Submit Grades. Students must request an incomplete by filling out the online incomplete request form. Instructions are found here:


The grading deadline has passed. What should I do?

Once the grading deadline passes, an NG outcome is entered for the course. All late grades must be submitted as grade changes. Each grade change must be entered separately and cannot be done as a group.


I need to change a grade, but the gradebook will not let me. What do I do?

Grades cannot be updated once they are entered in Submit Grades and rolled to history. All grade changes must be submitted through the Submit Grade Changes area in SSB.


My gradebook doesn’t show the grade change I submitted. Did it go through?

Once a grade has been recorded for the student (your entry or an NG by the system), your grade book is essentially frozen, and it will only show those outcomes. You can view grade changes in Submit Grade Changes. Please note that the grade change request process is not immediate and requires time for processing during regular business hours.


How can I view my student’s updated grade? 

You can find the most up-to-date grade for your student in Submit Grade Changes. 


Grade Changes


How do I submit a grade change?

Log into MySUNYEmpire. Select SSB. Select Faculty Services. Submit Grade Changes.

Faculty Self Service Banner with Submit Grade Changes highlighted


Once you have found your student and selected the new grade, you must select the dean of the course’s subject area. The grade change will then go through a two-step approval process involving the dean and the Office of the Registrar.


What grades can I change?

All grades can be changed with one exception: you cannot change a grade to a ZW.


Why can’t I change a grade to a ZW?

A ZW or administrative withdrawal outcome is assigned when the student fails to complete 50% of the course. This outcome should be entered during the term. Additionally, a ZW outcome requires more information than other grade change requests (last date of attendance). All late requests for a ZW must be first approved by the subject area dean and sent to the Office of the Registrar for manual processing. When sending, the last date of attendance needs to be indicated.


How long does it take for a grade change to go into effect?

Once the grade change is submitted, the request goes through a two-step approval process. The subject area dean and the Office of the Registrar will approve and process grade change requests as quickly as possible during normal business hours. Both the instructor and the student will receive an automated email confirming that the grade change has been processed. NOTE: While the grade and credits will show on the unofficial transcript, the student’s GPA will need to update overnight.



Grade Types



Why has an NG appeared in my grade book?

An NG (No Grade) outcome is applied to the student’s record when a grade is not submitted by the grading due date. The NG will not impact the student’s GPA; however, it will affect students in other ways, such as the ability to order accurate transcripts, Dean’s List eligibility, graduation processing, and end-of-term processing such as academic standing. The NG outcome must be replaced by a letter grade or Pass/No Pass outcome as soon as possible.


How do I update an NG?

The NG serves as a temporary outcome for the course on the student’s record. You must submit a grade change request to change the grade. Note: NGs cannot be removed from your gradebook. All NGs must be changed individually through Submit Grade Changes in SSB.



How long does a student have to complete an incomplete?

A student who is awarded an IN outcome is allowed no more than 15 weeks after the course end date to complete the course. The course instructor may establish an earlier completion date. Per policy, instructors have 7 days from the student’s work due date to submit the grade through Submit Grade Changes in SSB. If the grade is not submitted, the incomplete flips to the default grade provided by the instructor when the incomplete was approved.


Policy information is found here:


Where can I find the incomplete deadlines?

Incomplete deadlines can be found in the MySUNYEmpire Faculty Home by selecting Grading Information block.


What happens if I miss the incomplete deadline?

Incomplete grades are due by 10:59 pm, 7 days from the student's work due date. If this deadline is missed, the incomplete will "roll" to the default grade provided by the instructor through the incomplete request form. You will need to submit a grade change request to enter the correct grade.


Can I change an incomplete once it has turned to an F?

Yes. You must submit a grade change request.


Can an incomplete be used as a placeholder while I continue grading?

No. An incomplete is not a placeholder and should only be entered if the student has actually earned an incomplete in the course. A temporary incomplete will negatively impact the student’s eligibility for the Dean’s List and cause considerable anxiety and confusion for the student.




 What is a ZW? How is it different from an incomplete?

A ZW or administrative withdrawal is issued by the instructor if a student registers for the course but does not engage in work or initiates participation, but does not continue to do so and does not officially withdraw. This typically amounts to less than 50% of course completion. You must make a note of the last date of substantive contact by the student. If the student never participated in the course, their last date of attendance will be the first day of the term.

An incomplete is awarded when the student completes at least 50% of the work before the end of the enrollment term for the course and the instructor agrees to allow the student to continue work beyond the end of the term. The incomplete will give the student up to 15 additional weeks to submit their work. The course instructor may establish an earlier completion date. Per policy, instructors have 7 days from the student’s work due date to submit the grade through Submit Grade Changes in SSB. If the grade is not submitted, the incomplete flips to the default grade provided by the instructor when the incomplete was approved.


When can I enter a ZW? What information do I need to include?

A ZW should be issued during the semester, but you can submit it until the grading due date. You will need to enter the last date of attendance for the student when submitting the ZW outcome. The last date of attendance is only required for ZW outcomes.


I missed the deadline for entering a ZW. How do I change an NG to a ZW?

You will need to email your dean for approval. If approved, forward their approval email to the Office of the Registrar at Be sure to provide the student’s name, ID number, course information, and last date of attendance. We will not be able to process the request without this information, and the dean's approval.


Can I submit a grade change for a ZW?

Yes. You can submit a grade change through Submit Grade Changes in SSB.


I want to submit a ZW outcome, but the student never attended or participated. What do I use as the last date of attendance?

If the student never attended or engaged in the course, please use the first day of the term for the course.



Pass/ No Pass

 What is the Pass (P)/No Pass (NP) grading option?

Undergraduate students can select the P/NP outcome as an alternative to a letter grade. However, the student must select this outcome at the point of registration until the last day of the add/drop period. The P/NP outcome is available to undergraduate students only. For additional information regarding P/NP outcomes, please view the Grading and Evaluation Policy for Undergraduate Programs.


Who can select a P/NP grading option, and when does that occur?

Undergraduate students may select a P/NP grading option; however, this can only occur at the point of registration until the end of the add/drop period and cannot be changed during the term. Faculty cannot make this request on the student’s behalf or enter a P/NP outcome when the student has not selected it at the point of registration.


My student did really well in my course, but they selected a P/NP. Can I enter a letter grade instead?

No. The student must decide to take the course as P/NP at the point of registration. While it can be frustrating to see an excellent grade omitted from the student’s GPA, university policy requires the student to make that determination at the start of the term.


Can a student request a letter grade be changed to a P/NP outcome after the grade is submitted?

No. Students cannot change their decision once it has been made. Furthermore, a P/NP outcome cannot become a letter grade even if you have the original grade in your records.