Self-Service Banner Entering Grades

Self-Service Banner - Entering Grades

This article will show you where and how to enter grades for students in your classes.

1. Navigate to the homepage

2. Click on Banner Self Service

3. Navigate to Faculty Services

4. Click on Submit Grades

5. The page you land on will lay out your classes and the students registered for the class you select.

  1. A list of your courses will appear below here.
  2. A list of the students in the course selected will appear here.
  3. Here you can search for a specific course.
  4. These are drop-downs which allow you to select a final grade for each student.
6. Once you have selected the course you want (by clicking on it in the list), you can select a grade for each student.

NOTE: If choosing a ZW grade in the drop-down, you must also include a last attendance date for the student in the box provided just right of the drop-down menu.


7.Once the grade is entered, be sure to click SAVE.

8. When you have saved successfully, you will see the following message at the top of the screen.


*NOTE*: Currently the grades will be rolled to the registrar every night. This means that you will only have until 11pm on the day you save the grade to change it in Banner. After this you will need to contact the registrar to change the grade.

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Article ID: 11019
Fri 6/9/23 11:54 AM
Fri 6/16/23 4:56 PM