Register Using the Plans Tab (Plan Ahead)


relevant to: Students, faculty, staff.







How to create a Plan Ahead and register courses in that plan for in the upcoming term.



What is Plan Ahead?

Plan Ahead has replaced the registration worksheet in our former system.  Students and primary mentors can work together to plan the studies/courses to register for in the upcoming term. 

How do I create a Plan Ahead (Mentors/Faculty)

Register With a Plan Ahead (Students)


How do I create a Plan Ahead?


1.   Go to MySUNYEmpire Student Portal


2.   Select the Registration and Course Offerings icon.


3.   Select Plan Ahead.


4.   Enter the Term and click Continue.


5.   Click Create a New Plan.


Click Create a New Plan



6.   Search for and add courses. Save your Untitled Plan in the lower right hand corner.

Save Plan indicated in lower right of screen



7.  Enter the Plan Name in the field and click Save

Name your plan and click Save

NOTE: If you need to create a TIS or JIT for the student, please refer to How to Create the Course Selection Request Form.





Register with a Plan Ahead


1.   Go to MySUNYEmpire Student Portal


2.   Select the Registration and Course Offerings icon.


3.   Select Begin or Modify Registration.


4.   Enter the Term and click Continue.


5.   Go to the Plans tab

Plans Tab


*TIP* The toggle button in the middle of the screen and the Panels button allows you to maximize and minimize your view.


 6.  You can either Add All of the studies from the plan to your Summary, or detail into one of your plans, and add each course individually.

If your mentor has placed an Educational Planning (EDPL) course on your Plan Ahead, registering for this course is a little different. You should find the CRN located in the Note column:

You should find the CRN located in the Note column


Copy the CRN number in the note, and go to the Enter CRNs tab and enter the number into the CRN field, then click Add to Summary.


Register for Class with CRN tab indicated


Be sure to complete the registration by clicking Submit.

Note: If you do not have the CRN, please contact your primary mentor.


7.  Click the Submit button to complete your registration.  The status will change to Registered.  

                 submit and save

Related Articles:

Register Using Find Classes Tab

Register Using CRNs Tab



Article ID: 10942
Fri 5/26/23 2:12 PM
Mon 4/1/24 10:24 AM