Popular Services
Request Banner access for New Employees or Request to modify Banner Access for existing employees.
This request is for computing technology required that is not part of the university's standard offering for the Laptop Workstation. If alternative computing technology is required please submit this request with a detailed description of the equipment needed and business use case for the request.
Request virtual desktops, virtual applications, or schedule a consultation with our Academic Research Network (ARN) administrator.
Request Live CART captions for a meeting or event
The Dell Latitude is the SUNY Empire standard issue laptop designed to handle almost any work-related task. All university issued laptops comes complete with Windows 10 and the university Company Portal to access all licensed university issued software
Request a software license for Adobe Acrobat Professional
Is your team in need of a shared, online space to collaborate on an initiative? SharePoint is the college's online collaboration space which provides for a lot
of features. Some of the features (apps) available are:
Document Library
Discussion Forum
Video Closed Captioning, or Audio Description Request
Request a Report to support your operational day-to-day business, progress monitoring, and performance management needs.
LEARNscape Public Video Distribution
Dell Widescreen Monitors are the standard SUNY Empire monitors for use with university laptops. Dell Monitors easily adjust your monitor to your desired angle, height, and position so you can enjoy great visuals across multiple monitors.
Currently, all university computer workstations are provided two 22" monitors. If an alternative size is required, please let us know in this request.
If more than one monitor is needed, please change the quantity amount indicated, prior to submitting this request.
This service provides consultation on video and digital media content creation for courses, faculty sites, or anywhere you would like to create a digital presence in the ESC community.
This form is to request a potential new project requiring the services of the Project Management Office (PMO). The information in this form will be forwarded to the PMO for an intake evaluation and follow-up. You will receive initial feedback within 1 week.