Relevant to: Students, faculty, staff
When you owe a balance to the university, this is how to make a payment through TouchNet found on the Student Accounts homepage.
From MySUNYEmpire, click on Student Accounts.

Click on TouchNet Portal.

Select Make a Payment

Select Pay by Term and then select the box to the left of the term in which payment will be posted to, click Continue. It is important to note that the payment amount will default to the balance due for the term.

A student can change the amount of the payment they wish to make by selecting the box to the right of the amount, delete the amount that is there and enter the new amount that payment will be processed for. Click Continue.

A student is presented with a draft of what the account payment would be processed as. On this page, a student still has the option to change the payment date, the amount and finally the payment method that they wish to use for the payment.

If a student selects Change Payment Method it will bring them to the following screen and all of their saved payment methods (credit card/debit card/checking/saving account information) will be in the drop-down box.

If a student selects the Payment Date and chooses a date in the future they have now scheduled their payment to be made that day.

For this payment, I changed the amount of the payment from $60 to $10.
Once all payment criteria is entered, click on Submit Payment to process the payment.
Once payment has been processed, student receives the following notification as confirmation that the payment was successful

Student also receives the following email confirmation that the payment has been posted successfully, subject line of the email is "Thank you for your payment."

Related Articles:
Enroll in the Time Payment Plan
Changing Your Student Account Payment Method
Adding an Authorized User