Articles (8)

Adding Senders to the Safe Senders List in Outlook

Adding senders to the Safe Senders list

Microsoft Outlook Handbook for Students

Learn more about Microsoft Outlook

Quarantined email

Sometimes mail goes into a Quarantine state because the message is potentially dangerous. Only release emails from quarantine that you know to be safe. If you do not release a message from the Quarantine, it will automatically be deleted after 30 days

Report phishing and suspicious emails in Outlook

Microsoft provides the following tools for users to report good and bad messages:

Built-in reporting in Outlook on the web (formerly known as Outlook Web App or OWA).
The Microsoft Report Message or Report Phishing add-ins. The add-ins work on virtually all Outlook platforms, including Outlook on the web.

SUNY Empire Email Etiquette Guidelines

Make a great impression by writing effective, respectful email messages.

Using the Microsoft Outlook Address Book

Using the Microsoft Outlook Address Book